Saturday, January 31, 2015

Size Doesn't Matter

I didn't go anywhere yesterday.  One of the perils of a home office is that I might not change out of my yoga pants.  Yet through my work, and thanks to today's technology, I'm constantly crossing paths with others.  While many of these moments are with family and friends, and others are with collaborative partners, some are souls in need of a virtual hug.

Whether important or insignificant, random or carefully choreographed, every path crossed is actually an intersection.  And whether one is wearing a designer suit or a pair of well-loved yoga pants, every intersection offers each of us a golden opportunity to impact the path of someone else.

One beauty in being the power of one is that size doesn't matter.  Nor does the setting, or the caliber of the person momentarily sharing your intersection.  It need not occur on that once-in-a-lifetime grand stage.  The moments that often hold the greatest potential can happen when we cross paths with strangers in that random intersection.  It can be the simple act of meeting a stranger's eyes and smiling.  Or holding the store door open.  Or saying those two easy words known in every language:  thank you.

No, size doesn't matter at all.  But every instance, every intersection, holds all the power you need to offer a random act of kindness that can change someone's journey.

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